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Avondale Square Gard (HH)
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Avondale Square Gard (HH)
FRI JUL 26 at 3:45PM  
Avondale Square Gard (HH)
FRI JUL 26 at 5:00PM
Avondale Square Gard (HH)
PYLONS 15 11 3 1 23
SUNSHINES 15 11 4 0 22
BEAVERS 15 10 4 1 21
DRAGONS 15 7 6 2 16
HOLES 15 6 8 1 13
MOOSE 15 6 8 1 13
CHEESE 15 5 10 0 10
SEALS 15 4 9 2 10
ROOSTERS 15 13 2 0 26
INSECTS 15 8 4 3 19
LUMBERJACK.. 15 8 4 3 19
DONKEYS 15 7 4 4 18
SAUCE 15 7 6 2 16
CONES 15 7 8 0 14
RAYS 15 5 9 1 11
FISHSTICKS 15 5 10 0 10
Player Points
Vinny Cistrone (SUNS) 41
Tim McKay (MH) 38
Ritchie Hopkinson (IH) 36
Kyle March (LP) 33
Player Points
Alex McDonnell (TIP) 21
Josh Parrish (BUCH) 20
Tyler Bannerman (COQS) 19
Brent Parker (SAU) 15
\_.anger's \_.ounge

\_.anger's \_.ounge is similar to the NHL's Coaches Corner featuring Don Cherry ... In the Backyard we have Langer :-) Our resident Hockeyhead !!!










 “Reading… like a ‘Sir’.”

“Readings for the distinguished Hockey Player.”      


‘REAL’ Hockey Equipment: A Shallow Analysis.
One of the interesting and slightly annoying things about playing hockey in New Zealand is that the Kiwi players know more about hockey equipment than everyone else. Seriously, if you mention to a Kiwi that you are looking at purchasing a new stick, pair of skates or gloves, you will be asked if it is the ‘A7 feather grip Razor-light mega Zero +1’ model or the +2 model? (???)
Kiwis know and can quote, model numbers, serial numbers and the players that use those models and serial numbers. They know exactly what they are getting while other players don’t care. As long as it fits and works than that’s all that matters.
Personally I don’t know model numbers and/or serial numbers. For most people the model is linked to performance. Not me. Those things mean nothing to me. For me, aesthetics are linked to performance! Yup, if it looks awesome then it is awesome. 
Here are some beautiful pieces of hockey equipment that will not only make you an instant superstar on the ice but will get you that elusive respect you deserve from your wife and kids.
Try this hockey ensemble at your next pick-up game:
The Cooper XL7 Golf Ball Bucket and Mask Combo
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmLcBfhq5-ua6cJyUj-BuW3GDZxJL5kdXlW9Of6Gr6zzgzw_w0    http://glassandout.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/mario-lem-sm-vs.jpg
Check out this gorgeous helmet and mask combo! The Cooper XL7 was and is a statement in ‘state of the art’ melon protection. This helmet featured a grey ‘faux’ suede cushion liner, large black ‘flaps’ on the side which allowed this unit to be fully adjustable to accommodate the player with a ‘larger’ melon and loads of high performance vents. The detachable mask was fastened by ‘clipping’ the mask into the helmet proper. The middle clip, which is not visible, was a ‘black plastic pin’ that would immediately break if the helmet/mask combo was met by any kind of force. Unclipping the mask almost always meant that the little black ‘pin’ fell out and was lost forever.  For the record, I wore this helmet, a green one, in minor hockey…playing net.
Endorsed by:   Mario Lemieux. He wore this beauty bucket in his final junior season scoring 133 goals and 149 assists (282 points) in 70 games. Tie Domi also wore one in junior only because it was the only helmet that could fit his massive, concrete head. I am not sh*tting you.
The COOPERALL Hockey Pant System
If you are going to a special black tie gala or attending the Oscars and you’ve got a hockey game right after, then you need a pair of Cooperalls. These elegant pants were invented to make the players lighter and faster. All you had to do was pull on the disco-tight protective girdle http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/m/mUMA1mKpjWaODlSj4hx8aGA/140.jpg, then slip on the long pants, one leg at a time. Your sexy hockey pants were held up by a sassy little belt and suspenders. Cooperalls came in black, blue and green and they were especially impressive when goalies wore them.    
Players and trainers complained that they were too hot and a chore to take off when a player was injured. They also caused the players to slide crazily out of control when they fell to the ice. What we DO know is that Cooperalls certainly turned those barbaric looking hockey players in to dashing and debonair gentlemen. All they needed to do was create a Cooperall blazer to complete the look.
Endorsed by: The Philadelphia Flyers, Hartford Whalers and a ton of junior hockey teams in the 1980’s.  I highly suggest that you Youtube some old games, especially when the Flyers played the Whalers. It looked like a f*cked up male figure skating competition out there.
Cooper Gloves with the ARMADILLO thumb.
It gets cold on the ice and no one likes being cold when they are playing hockey. The most important part of your body to keep warm on the ice? That’s right. Your forearms.  Cooper solved the problem of cold forearms by making gloves that went almost up to the elbow. By the end of the 1980’s they had cut the ‘cuff’ down to about the ‘high wrist’ area because enforcers felt it took too long to drop the gloves during donnybrooks. Cooper’s incredible style and superior protection was further enhanced by their famous ‘Armadillo’ thumb. Growing up in a climate where there are no armadillos and not really knowing if it was even a real animal, it was important to include a picture of the armadillo on the thumb. All I know is that when you saw someone wearing Cooper mitts with the Armadillo Thumb, it meant only one thing: You could slash the piss out of his hands and know that the guy wasn’t going to get hurt.
Endorsed By: Aaron Sommerville as a child and every road hockey goaltender born between 1974 to 1986.
Micron Moulded Skates
So you’ve got the XL7 bucket, the Cooperalls, and the Cooper mitts. All you need (other than a dinner jacket) is a nice pair of hockey boots to round out your stellar look. I would suggest a nice shiny pair of Micron moulded skates.  You could find these in your basement, any Canadian Tire or garage sale in your neighbourhood however I suggest you just check your basement/garage first. The Micron moulded skate was a magnificent example of someone designing hockey equipment without knowing anything about hockey. Made of plastic, these skates kept your feet icy cold and uncomfortable throughout the game. Any shots off the foot would hurt really bad and make you want to stop playing hockey and go home. Microns came with a special insert, or ‘bootie’ that you could take out of the skate and wear on their own. Often you’d see people wearing the booties around the dressing room or the mud room of their houses as a sort of cheap slipper. 
Endorsed By:  Kids wearing toques with pom-poms on the top https://resources.shopstyle.com/sim/cb/09/cb0970088ae6583b98624b77a3b3ffa8/generic-mens-ugly-christmas-sweater-reindeer-cuff-pom-beanie.jpgand Kris Kotsopoulos’ moustache. http://www.chriskotsopoulos.com/images/gallery/picture_gallery_15.jpg

*Next: ‘REAL’ Goaltending Equipment.

\_.ANGER’S \_. OUNGE: How To Speak Like a (Canadian) Hockey Player.
The best part of being a fan of sports is watching your team win the championship. Being a Toronto Maple Leafs fan, I have no idea what that is like, so I’m going to say the best part about being a sports fan is being part of a community. Win or lose, people bond around the players and the drama on the field, pitch or ice. There is a culture in every sport that influences everything from what we wear, what we eat to the way we talk. Speaking of talk, let’s talk about language. Anthropologist will tell you how important language is to culture and the importance of keeping that language alive for when the language disappears, so does the culture. We are all well aware that hockey players are a different breed of people and thus it is not surprising that they have a rich, colourful and distinct language.  Hockey players inhabit many parts of the globe. As a result there are a myriad of hockey traditions, customs and of course ‘dialects’.  I don’t know much about what goes on in Sweden, Russia, Slovakia or even the United States of America, but I do know that ‘Rink-lish’, or ‘English of the Rink’ is one of the *many indigenous languages/dialects spoken in Canada. (*Every town in the country has its’ own dialect reflecting their hockey heritage, geography and how many Tim Horton’s per capita.)  So, for those that may be travelling across the ocean to the Great White North or happen to run into a lumberjack from Moose Jaw while out and about, it’s good to at least try and speak the language. It’s all about making new ‘buddies’! With the help of a couple of pros, Jeff ‘O-Dog’ O’Neil and Jamie ‘Noodles’ MClennan, you too can chirp like a monster, while getting oiled with your buddies. Just remember to ease off on the wheels and wings or you’ll rupture your boiler and end up on the IR.
Today’s Special Guest Linguists:
Jeff ‘O-Dog’ O’Neil –Former NHLer turned TV/Radio Analyst

“I crushed about 45 rye and cokes on the golf course today then drove the golf cart into the pond…just left it there until I realised my wallet was in the glove box. I also realised that I wasn’t at the golf course but at Darryl Sydor’s cottage and it wasn’t the golf cart in the pond, but my truck in the lake.  Monster mode on the ryes.”
Jamie ‘Noodles’ McLennan – Former NHLer, turned author and TV/Radio analyst

“I remember one night I was watching the St. Louis Cardinals on TV in a bar in St. Louis when I was a player there. I was with (Chris) Pronger when the phone Rang. It was my buddy Mark McGuire which was weird because he was playing in the game. He said he had had enough and asked where we were. I told him and he said he’d be there in 15 minutes. Sure enough he showed up and proceeded to buy everyone shots. Keep in mind the game he was just in, is on TV! That guy knows how to have a time.”
Rink-lish Glossary of Terms:
Buddy: a person you don’t know/random person.  (Putting the word ‘My’ in front of buddy implies that you are good friends)

Noodles:  “Buddy rode his bike to the store to pick up a 2,4 and got pulled over by the cops.
2,4:  A case of beer containing 24 cans/bottles of beer.

O-Dog:  I drank a 2,4 on the weekend while watching my buddy stain his deck.
Yard sale:  To fall down.
\_.anger: “I left my hockey bag in the driveway and went into the house to get a drink. I was having a time and when I came out I forgot the bag was there…total yard sale all over the driveway.”
Dusted: Beat up.
Punchy: “So many times you just want to dust the referee for making bad calls but you can’t. If you do, the league director will tell you to take a lap.”
Take a lap = go away/get lost
\_.anger:  Buddy came over and asked for a dart. I told him to take a lap. Guy doesn’t even smoke.”
Grill: Face
O-Dog: “Some grocery stick (separates the forwards from the defense) was chirping me from the bench. Just beaking me eh, so I got up in his grill and told him to take a lap or else he’d get dusted.”
Pint: a beer. *Not an actual pint but refers to any beer in any size/format.
Old Hockey Saying: “Who’s got a spare pint in their bag?”
Giver:  to just do it.
Noodles: “So I told him, if he wanted to play net after 19 pints then he should just go right ahead. I wouldn’t but…hey, just giver buddy!”
Tarp = a shirt
O-Dog: ”You know that guy that goes to weddings and just gets into monster mode and you don’t know which side of the family he’s on? Wedding guy? That guy who is so oiled on the dance floor that by the third song he’s out there, no tarp, doing the running man? That guy likes to have a time.”
Yip:  your mouth
Noodles:  “I saw this guy one time. He had like, 2 (hot) dogs and 2 monster pints, both for him. He’s up in the stands with some girl, obviously they were on a date or something. This guy is in Colin Ferrell mode trying to impress her with some cheesy story. Next thing you know the puck is fired into the stands and buddy gets it right in the yip. It was not pretty but I didn’t feel bad for the guy. He should have been paying attention.”
Boiler = belly/stomach
O-Dog:  “Christmas and Thanksgiving can be tough. I always end up with a ruptured boiler from eating too much. The only cure is lots of couching, maybe some ginger ale and perhaps talking the dog for a walk to the store to get darts.”
Monster = anyone who is exceptional at something, something exceptional
O-Dog: “Did you ever see that hit Scott Stevens threw on Eric Lindros? Wow. That guy is a monster. You know who else is a monster? Stu Grimson. That guy is a beast. We went out for drinks one night after a game in some *critter infested bar and he DOMINATED that place. Monster time.”  *Critter: Attractively challenged woman
Have a time = enjoy ones’ self usually through the aid of alcohol
Noodles:  “Some of the best times are the ones where you have no intentions of getting tuned up. I mean, you go out thinking you’ll have a couple of beers then shut it down. The next thing you know you get in at 5am, no wallet, can’t find your keys, no idea where your car is…you’ve had a time.”
40/30 low centre of gravity grit grinder = hard worker, monster, beast, influential personality. Literally refers to a 40 inch waist, 30 inch inseam.
Punchy: “There are quite a few grit grinders in the BHL. TJ, Dave Curtain, Crazy Eyes. Just gritty, gritty players that aren’t afraid to put the hard hat on and dig in the corners.               O-Dog: Lunch bucket guys, 40/30 low centre of gravity grit grinder types.”
Hero: Someone who tries to find ways to get to where they want to go faster while driving
O-Dog:  “Driving to the rink and I’m stuck in traffic. Then I see this hero bombing up the shoulder. I’m thinking, what is up with this guy?”
Marinate: Let people have time to think about/come to terms with something
Punchy: “My buddy wasn’t sure if he was going to play in the tourney. Anyways, I gave him time to marinate but I still haven’t heard back from him.”
Beast: Big, strong, powerful player/person, monster
O-Dog: “Have you seen that guy? He knows how to have a time. He’s a beast.”
Take a Flyer:  Take a chance on something
Noodles: “He’s the kind of guy, a grit grinding type who could get you a few goals, win some face-offs. The type of guy who you may not know much about but worth taking a flyer on.”
Get Gassed:  Lose ones’ job, get fired
Noodles: “Nobody likes to see a coach get gassed, but you can’t gas the whole team, so what do you do? O-Dog: “I’d gas the whole team and bring up the entire minor league team. Let those other slobs ride the bus in the minors. It may smarten them up.”
Beauty/Beautician: A great guy, charismatic and likeable.
Noodles: “Now that’s the kind of guy you need in the dressing room. He may not be the best player but he’s…he’s that room guy you need, a real beauty…a beautician in the room.”
Beak: to aggravate someone with words (similar to ‘chirp’)
Punchy: “This guy would NOT stop beaking so I told him he was ugly and to take a lap.”
Oiled: Intoxicated
O-Dog:  “All inclusive holiday in Cancun. What a town that is. Monster town. Me and 8 guys oiled for a week. Just sloppy. That resort was happy to see us go I’ll tell you.”
Goon:  your intoxicated buddy/intoxicated
Noodles: “I went to this wedding where the bride didn’t want her husband’s buddies there too early because she knew they would been gooned for the actual vows. What do you say to your buddy? It’s not his fault his friends are goons.”
Darts: cigarettes (Blow darts – ‘smoke cigarettes’
O-Dog: “I like slo-pitch. Actually, I like playing any sport where you can blow darts while you play. Just put the dart down, catch the ball, toss out a buddy at 3rd then pick up your dart. Sports.”
Doing Work: Drinking
O-Dog: “I love it when the warm weather comes. As soon as it heats up and the sun is out, I’m like, ‘It’s time to do work’.”
Lt. Dan Mode: Hurt/injured
O-Dog: I blocked a shot the other night and my shin was tender. I was in Lt. Dan mode for 2 days limping around the house. I would have just couched it but the wife wasn’t having any of that.”
Gear Down: Take your clothes off
Noodles: “How many of you have a buddy who as soon as he gets some drinks in him, it doesn’t matter where he is, by the end of the night he’s geared right down to his underwear? It’s like in order for him to have a time, he needs to gear down.”
Crush: to eat 
\_.anger: “I took the day off and did nothing but play Playstation and crush food. I put in a solid shift.
Teed Up:  attack someone 
O-Dog: “Before you tee up on someone, make sure your buddies are there to back you up. Nothing worse than shooting off your yip then getting dusted because you’re too oiled to realise that your buddies are all gone and you are flying solo.”
Wheel:  A pizza
\_.anger: “Everyone has their favourite wheel. I’m going with pepperoni, bacon, mushroom, double sauce, garlic dipping sauce, 2 litre of Orange Crush combo.
Lather: To sweat
Noodles: “He was outside, in the sun getting oiled in a track suit. Yup… Just having a time. Kim Mitchel, maybe some April Wine rocking in the background, I can’t remember…one of those bands. Anyway,  guy was working up a full lather. It’s like, 30 degrees (Celsius) out and he’s too jarred to take the tarp off or just get changed.”
Couching: Lounging on the couch napping, watching TV, or both.
O-dog: “If you are couching with ‘Rick breath’, then it’s time to brush your teeth. Probably just hose down the whole unit just to be safe.”
IR:  Injured reserve – to be out of action   
\_.anger: “Too many ryes, pints, wheels and wings can easily put you on the IR with a ruptured boiler. Be Careful.” 


\_.anger’s \_.ounge Presents:

Hello hockey fans,
No doubt many of you have spent your rent/mortgage/BHL fee money on, women, men, booze, crystal meth and other nefarious endeavours. As a result you’ve joined a hockey pool to try and get back what you’ve lost. Good work!
I’ve decided to draft my team this year but instead of picking players I’m choosing my ‘All Disgusting Logo’ Team.
 As hockey fans, we love hockey jerseys. To me they are pieces of wearable art hence my apartment is wallpapered with hockey sweaters. The thing that makes the hockey jersey so special is that it’s all about the crest on the front. No stupid sponsor’s logos or other corporate branding, just the logo, numbers, vibrant colours and the name on the back. Oh, and don’t forget the fighting strap. How awesome is that though? I mean, the strap is called the ‘fighting strap’ because that’s why it’s on the jersey, that’s its purpose! (AND if you don’t have it done up and you get into a fight AND your jersey comes off, you get an EXTRA penalty! Nice.)
So, allow me to get my elbows up on some of the more forgettable jerseys of the past and present in the NHL.  I’m looking at colours, striping and logos as far as what looks super gay. There is no doubt some will agree and many will disagree but that’s the name of the game. Just remember, if you want to argue about this, make sure you do up your fighting strap!
The Retarded Coyote
So, you have a little team in Winnipeg named “The Jets” that has never won anything since they’ve moved from the WHA to the NHL. The economy is being a dick and it’s threatening the existence of your team. People love the team so much that local children are walking up to the commissioner with their piggy banks in hopes that their team will stay. Tragically the team is forced out of its rickety home. L  So the aforementioned commissioner takes that team, which was the heartbeat of the city and province, and moves it to the desert because everyone knows that everything grows and flourishes in the desert. He then rapes the team mercilessly, locks it in a shed and abuses it by telling it that people will come to visit. No one comes to see it. Well done. Oh, and to help this new team attract fans they come up with a name which I admit is pretty good: The Phoenix/Arizona Coyotes. But you know what kids? It’s not wise to smoke crack and drink gallons of Colt 45 when coming up with a team logo, because when you do, your logo comes out retarded. Even though the Coyotes have been sporting a new logo for a few years now, if you go into the shed out behind the Coyote’s arena you will find a shed. Can you say: ‘it puts the lotion on its’ skin’?
Boston the Pooh
Hi there! Aren’t you cute! On behalf of Don Cherry, Eddie Shore, Phil Esposito, Bobby Orr and all the Bruins greats, I’m sorry you had to see this. The only way this logo can work is if it was made into a giant costume head that would be worn by Zdeno Chara for every single game. In the playoffs he can have one that shows an angry bear face. (He could be yawning or snarling. The story was never clear. –Gord Downie-) I can just imagine what Max Pacioretty would think if he saw that following him into the corner. Those Montreal Canadians jerseys do kind of look like lumberjack shirts, don’t they? Grrr!  
Mighty Dsucks (The ‘S’ is silent)
The fact that a fictional hockey team in a Disney movie became a REAL team in REAL life owned by Disney is disturbing enough. Apparently some marketing prodigy down at the office decided they could go further by unveiling this abomination on hockey humanity. Thousands of jerseys were sold with this diabolical duck design on it, unfortunately none of those people attended any games because 4 year olds have to be in bed at 7pm. A mighty yuck.
Captain High liner-landers
 Jimmy Volmer once asked Eric Cartman, “Do you like fish sticks? Do you like fish sticks in your mouth? Then you are a gay fish.”
Note to the NY Islanders: I still know what you did last summer. He looks like the High liner fish sticks dude. You have the Aqua fresh tooth paste logo under the name.  So, you want me to brush my teeth after I eat fish sticks? Who came up with this?? Thank goodness they didn’t take this logo with them to Brooklyn. Someone would have gotten knifed for sure. Ah the Islanders…where their former owner tried to recruit a Japanese sumo wrestler to be their goalie. Next they will probably hire their backup goalie to be their GM…oh wait…
Carolina Haemorrhoids
The Hartford Whalers had one of the best logos ever then they went belly up and moved to Carolina. The Hurricanes (Hurri-kuns for you Kiwi readers) is a cool name but this logo is far from cool. I would have gone with a mint julip, cotton, a Confederate flag or another symbol that recognises North Carolinas proud slave owning history. You can read into it all you want like that know-it-all chick in grade 11 English class but at the end of the day you know what it really is. It’s a swirl of suck. It’s sad when something so promising turns to suck.
Kansas City Summer Camp Cub Scouts
All I gather from this is we have an Aboriginal/Native/First Nations Person mounted on a horse looking off in the distance. What is he looking for? I think he’s looking for a better logo. When I think Kansas, I think The Wizard of Oz. There are a zillion awesome things to use from that movie. Flying monkeys, witches, midgets and opium.  Perhaps our mounted mascot is checking out a rather large tornado approaching in the distance. Hey, at least it’s not a big close up of a Native American’s face. That would be exploitive! J
 Insane Bolts
Teams should never have a secondary nickname on their jerseys…ever. Can you imagine jerseys that say: Habs, Leafs, Pens, ‘Nucks  or Sens?
Non Sens
Um, no. Sorry but no. This is nonSENS. It makes no SENS. Common SENS? SENSless.
  Interesting how both these teams came into the league in the same year. That’s my 2 SENS.
LA Burger Kings
“Yes, may I have a double Whopper with cheese, large fries and a diet coke please? I’m trying to watch my weight. Could you make it extra laughable by alienating the grown up fan, kind of like that ridiculous Ducks one? OH, and you can make it look weird and noisy like an inline-hockey jersey?  (Let the hate mail rain down) Excellent!!  I’m going to go throw up now!”
Robo Penguin
The logo itself is not too bad. It’s sleek, stylised, modern, easy to draw and it looks swift just like the waddling, flightless real penguin.  The issue is the ghastly jersey it adorned with bizarre lines, shadows and faded colours. When guys named Mario, Jaromir and Sidney are the faces of your team you don’t need gimmicks. Besides, nobody in the animal kingdom would ever mess with a smiling, hockey playing penguin wearing a scarf.
Florlumbus Blue-Panthers
I’m a classic hockey guy. I like vintage. I like old school. I’m a purist to a degree, but why does the state of Florida have 2 hockey teams? Why do states like Ohio (Cleveland Barons) and Georgia (Atlanta Flames/Thrashers) keep getting hockey teams when clearly people don’t care about hockey compared to other sports? And why do these two teams have 3rd jerseys that look 90% the same?? You know you are in the hockey hinterland when the designers basically use the same jersey and just change the logo on the front…and nobody says anything about it. As part of my bucket list I would like to meet a Blue Jackets and Panther fan. I’d also like to share a bag of Doritos with a Sasquatch.
Vancouver Can’tnucks
Alright, alright, I can hear the grumbling from Vancouver fans about this one. Please don’t riot, that’s all I ask. I liked the original ‘Stick in a Box/rink’ logo. I love the ‘Flying V’ logo because it’s so disgusting and tacky that it’s cool. I also liked the skate that was often dubbed the ‘plate of spaghetti’. I got used to the Haida-inspired orca whale bursting out of the ice. I like how they took the past and married it with the future (and a corporate logo in Orca Bay) in regards to the colour scheme. I don’t understand the big ‘VANCOUVER’ across the top. It makes the jersey look like a piece of unlicensed merchandise you would buy just down the street from the rink after the game. Why is there not a giant lumberjack on the front wearing a plaid flannel jersey?  And that jersey should have chewing tobacco stains on it and should smell like beer, whisky, Players Navy Cut cigarettes and sawdust. There should be a breast pocket on the front too that looks like the stitching is coming out that you can put your ‘darts’ in. The hockey pants should be made of denim. The helmet has earflaps and fur and it’s mandatory for all players to have a moustache and/or beard. Somebody make this happen right now.

 Dis-Honourable Mentions 
Here are some other logos you wouldn’t catch me j*rking off to because I find them gross, but that’s just me.
Why did every logo in the 90’s have to have an animal holding a hockey stick? You think it had something to do with marketing hockey in the American South where basketball, football, baseball, gun violence and NASCAR rule the sporting landscape?

The Barons didn’t last long before they went broke then cut a deal and were absorbed by the Minnesota North Stars.
What the f*ck is that thing in the middle with the hockey stick running through it?!
It’s not that this logo isn’t creative it’s just that the original Edmonton Oilers logo is classic stuff. There is history behind it. This one just has too much to live up to. Interestingly, the 5 rivets in this logo represent the 5 Stanley Cups the Oilers have won.
-\_.anger -
The World’s Greatest and Best Playoff Beards


Hello Hockey Helmets,

It is playoff time in the BHL and that means the return of the mighty playoff beard. As we all know, the beard is a mystical thing that only the burly, unclean and unemployed can pull off. The ‘playoff beard’, however, is something holy that all hockey brethren share. To celebrate this fantastic facial hair of hockey’s hallowed second season, let’s have a look at some of the game’s most famous playoff beards.

The Mighty Zeus         http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608004311132145413&pid=1.7

Zeus was not only the ‘Father of the Gods of Olympus’ but he was also a dominant two-way centre who played 2000 seasons for the Olympic Gods hockey team. His leadership and often mercilessly brutal playing style lead the ‘God’s’ to 2000 World Championships in a row, creating the first dynasty in hockey. That dynasty was brought to an end in 1967 when the ‘young guns’ from Jerusalem lead by a 19 year old prodigy named GOD, defeated Zeus 2-1 on a controversial goal in quadruple overtime.


GOD   http://almightygod.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/god2.jpg

God’s playoff beard is probably the most recognizable and most imitated. When he began to create the world one cold Sunday morning in the early 1600’s, he vowed not to shave until he had finished. Seven days later the world was done and so was the holiest of holy face warmers. He had predicted it would take at least 2 months to create the world and with the extra time he learned to play hockey at the famous Zeus of Olympus Hockey school. God quickly emerged as a prolific goal scorer which lead to him being selected first overall in the 1966 draft by the Christian Crucifixes. As fate would have it he would meet Zeus and his boys in the 1967 final and the rest is history. The mentor had become the master.

Jesus Christ    http://www.glaciericerink.com/content/images/jesus_hockey_mask_goalie.jpg

Throughout hockey history there have been many sons that have followed in their father’s footsteps. When God retired in 1999, he sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to earth…to play net.

Known as the ‘Messiah’, Jesus quickly made a name for himself with his unique playing style. ‘JC’ was the inventor of the ‘miracle save’ which has become the hallmark of such great goalies and Dominic Hasek, Bill Ranford and every goaltender in the 1970’s and 80’s. A 10 time league MVP, Jesus Christ of Nazareth won 13 Cups and 13 Playoff MVP’s. (Interestingly he gifted 12 of his MVP honours to his 12 disciples.)

BRAHMS   http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Qif5n3i2MNw/T-ymdMhwBOI/AAAAAAAAFsE/sEpgdJ49T4g/s1600/Johannes+Brahms.jpg

Legendary classical German composer Johannes Brahms played 11 seasons in the German Elite League as a hardnosed defencemen from 1927 to 1938. His team never missed the playoffs with his charges making the finals 9 times winning 8 Cups. Sadly his career was cut short due to a severe knee injury suffered in the 1938 playoffs and by a severe shortage of bratwurst and to a lesser extent, the looming Second World War. He was only 30 years old when he was forced to retire leaving fans to wonder: “What if…?”.

Abraham Lincoln     http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_kZZKLHMqVc4/TLJLgluUMVI/AAAAAAAABDY/qyfWDHDdfMQ/s1600/abe+lincoln.jpg

Before he was dubbed ‘The Great Emancipator’ ‘Honest Abe’ was ‘The Great Eliminator’. One of the most feared body checkers and fighters of his time, Lincoln played 4 seasons in the Kentucky Minor Pro Hockey League amassing an astonishing 7,002 minutes in penalties. Lincoln jumped to the big time in 1855 with the Chicago Blackhawks beginning what was known then as the ‘Reign of Terror’ which lasted up from 1861. With his distinguished hockey career over, Lincoln decided to run for President of the United States in which he won in 1861. Shortly after, the Civil War broke out, he freed the slaves and won the war in 1865. Sadly he was assassinated later that same year while watching curling at a sports bar in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.  He was posthumously inducted into the hockey hall of fame in 1987.

ZZ Top (Billy Gibbons and Dusty Hill)


When people think of the Hartford Whalers they think of such greats as Ron Francis, Ray Ferraro, Pat Verbeek, Ulf Samuelsson, Mike Liut and of course Billy Gibbons and Dusty Hill of ZZ Top. Members of the Prestigious “Intergalactic Beard Hall of Fame” in LaGrange Arkansas, the iconic guitarist and bassist played 6 seasons for the Hartford Whalers from 1981-86. Many will remember them as Zarley Zalapski’s wingers on the famous “ZZZ” line. In their final season with Hartford, Gibbons and Hill were instrumental in pushing the eventual Stanley Cup Champion Montreal Canadians to a game 7 thriller in the Adams Division Finals. Even though the Whalers lost on a Russ Courtnall overtime goal, ZZ Top went on to sell millions of records as well as make memorable music videos featuring hot chicks driving/leaning against cool cars.

SANTA   http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608028113842472851&pid=1.7

Santa delivers toys to the good boys and girls all around the Western world on Christmas Eve. He lives in the North Pole, owns 8 tiny reindeer, (Rudolph left in 1991 after a contract dispute) his belly shakes like a bowl full of jelly when he laughs and he smells like candy canes and egg nog.

He also kicked the living f*ck out of Marty McSorely of the Los Angeles Kings in the 1993 Western Conference Finals as a member of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Mike Commodore    http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608030682236650461&pid=1.7

Michael W. Commodore (born November 7, 1979) is a Canadian professional ice hockey defenceman who is currently an unrestricted free agent. Commodore was selected by the New Jersey Devils in the 2nd round (42nd overall) of the 1999 NHL Entry Draft. In 2006, he won the Stanley Cup as part of the Carolina Hurricanes thanks to his truly awesome ginger ‘fro and beard combo. 

Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Commodore

Kerry ‘Klutch’ King 


Kerry King, known as ‘Klutch’ for his uncanny ability to step up his game in the playoffs was a big reason why the Philadelphia Flyers won back to back Stanley Cups in 1973-74 and 1974-75. A tenacious checker, his clean style of play was a bit of contrast to the Broadstreet Bully violence employed by his teammates. With many of the Flyers spending obscene amounts of time in the penalty box for a variety of vicious on ice infractions, Kerry King was often the only player left to score. With Hall of Fame goaltender Bernie Parent shutting the door, many playoff games were won by a score of 1-0.

Along with 2 Stanley Cups, Kerry King also won the Lady Byng Trophy as the most gentlemanly player a record 14 times.

Upon finishing hockey, he then went on to form the highly influential thrash metal band SLAYER in 1981.

Jim ‘The Anvil’ Neidhart   http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-VhdRClmj3L0/T7MNZtSjEDI/AAAAAAAACys/stEUTypm5Ds/s1600/jim+neidhart.png

Jim Neidhart played 21 seasons of professional hockey, mostly as a minor league journey man. He is best remembered as a member of the 1989 Stanley Cup Champion Calgary Flames. Along with Joel Otto, Jim Neidhart was often found in front of the net screaming at opposing players whilst pulling at his beard. He was also known for laughing hysterically at nothing. His on-ice distraction strategies allowed forwards like Lanny MacDonald, Joe Mullen, Joe Nieuwendyk, Doug Gilmour and Theoren Fleury to find the space they needed to score without being molested by the opposing team’s defence. 

Jim Neidhart is also credited as being the first to grow ‘playoff’ chest hair. His 1989 chest hair is now on display at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto Ontario, Canada.

Paul Bunyan  http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.608029204762135431&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0


Although undrafted because of his puny stature (5ft 7’ and 145lbs as an 18 year old) Paul Bunyan became the poster boy of resilience. Through a rigorous training regime consisting of a balanced diet coupled with clear cutting vast swaths of the Oregon, Washington State and British Columbia wilderness, Bunyan built a physique that would make him the most dominate offensive defencemen in hockey history. Standing at 10 ft. 9’ and weighing a lean 990 lbs, Bunyan’s ability to block shots and rush the puck up the ice in a single stride, especially during the playoffs, became the stuff of legends. Bunyan was also known for his blisteringly hard and accurate shot from the point much to the chagrin of goaltenders, defencemen and arena managers. Well-liked by his teammates and a gentleman on the ice, Paul Bunyan carries the unfortunate distinction of accidently killing 17 goalies, 51 skaters, 8 referees and a popcorn vendor due to his freakish size.

He won two Stanley Cups with Edmonton in 1988 and 1990 and now owns/runs a Beaver Lumber Building Centre in Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada.

Steve ‘Sas’ Quatch    http://wisconsinbigfoot.com/images/sasquatch.jpg

Steve Quatch was a professional hockey goaltender who played for the Chilliwack Bruins from 1972 to 1997. Known for his unorthodox style and fiery temperament in the crease, Quatch racked up an astonishing 1,078 shut outs in his career leading the Chilliwack Bruins to 27 consecutive Grizzly Cup Championships in the Pacific Northwest Hockey League. His record of 26 straight  seasons where he did not allow a single goal, while playing every game is a record that will never be broken. (* Terry Tremblay, scored the only goal against Quatch in the 1996 Grizzly Cup quarter finals off a scramble around the crease. Eye witness and police reports state that Tremblay was promptly ‘broken in half then torn to shreds with the bloody pieces being thrown into the stands and the opposing team’s bench’ by a visibly frustrated Quatch.

Although drafted by the Vancouver Canucks in 1973, he was never allowed to play in the NHL as he was deemed too ‘unpredictable’ and ‘potentially dangerous’ to other players and fans in the league. He retired in 1997 to pursue an acting career.

Along with countless grainy amateur films, Steve Quatch starred in the 1997 hit family comedy “Harry And The Hendersons” featuring John Lithgow.

Currently his whereabouts are unknown.

Tyler “Tyrone” Ireton   

Ty hasn’t fully shaved his beard since being drafted into the mighty BHL in the summer of  2013. His ginger beard is a thing of beauty and it works wonderfully with his trademark gumboots and sweats.  A blue-collar, Boston Bruins fan at heart & a tried and true student of the game on and off the ice.

The 2013/14 Firecan Park Award winner (BHL’s Top Grinder) followed up his tremendous playoff beard showing from last seasons cup final with a career year. Ireton posted personal bests in bushiness, instability and growth. Tragically, his 2015 playoff beard dreams came to an early end this season when Top Cheese was eliminated in the Wildcard round of the 2015 BHL playoffs. Fortunately for us as fans, something tells me the playoff beard will forever live on.


December 15th 2014

From the holiday desk of R.C. \_.anger:

Raccoons On Ice, Making A List Like ‘Sinterklaas’ And The Secret to Playing More Hockey

http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/ufiles/15/612815.jpg +  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7d/Sinterklaas_2007.jpg =http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_z9Va9rk5mGg/TSXyIqTFGxI/AAAAAAAALsg/8a9n_QKKPNk/s1600/zzAJHpic.jpg

Good evening BHLers,

I hope you are all keeping well by staying up late, eating unhealthily and drinking dangerously too much, preferably at work. As another year comes to an end it is good for one to reflect on all the things they didn’t accomplish in the past 12 months and possibility make some resolutions. http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/357/3/4/raccoons_on_ice_by_keenfox-d4jyt25.jpgAs a glass half empty person (I’m always thinking about when I need to mix a new drink as opposed to how much I have drunk) it’s important to think about what went wrong this past year so that you have goals for next year.

Everyone needs goals.

 As far as feeling good about yourself, just remember that you did enough this year to not lose your job, your family, end up in jail or die. Be proud of those things but I digress. Take the time to reflect on what you didn’t do and what you are awful at, write it down and tape it to the fridge. This will help remind you, every day, what you need to work on. Your wife or girlfriend will most likely have a different list of things that you are terrible at or neglected to do this past year and that’s ok. It’s ok to have two lists. By creating your own list of ways to better yourself, you will have more time to not only play hockey but to hang around in the parking lot drinking beer and talking sh*t while maintaining a harmonious home front. Here’s what you do:

Get some different coloured high lighters and highlight the things on your list using the following colour code:

Yellow: Things that are easy and I can probably do it at the last minute. *

Blue: Things that I COULD do but probably won’t because there are other things I’d rather do. *

Green: Things that I WILL never do because ‘I don’t wanna’. I don’t ask her to change or give her a hard time so why should I do it? I don’t even give a care what she says. She’s not my mum.*

 White: This is actually a bunch blank spaces which create the illusion that you may add more things to your list as they arise which of course will not be the case. Again, do not write this on the list.*

*NEVER write the definition of each colour on your list or you will be dead meat.


Once you have the colour coded list prepared then make sure you casually tell the people you are living with that you’ve made the list and that you are going to post it on the fridge. Talk them through the act of posting it on the fridge so that everyone is clear on what you are doing.

What are you doing?

What you are doing is creating the illusion that you are going to make important changes to your life in the new year. The colour coded items show others that you are organised and have prioritised your resolutions. Woman love this and your guy friends and kids will think it’s cool because you’ve used colour. Creating the list in the first place is paramount because it shows that these things are ‘important’. We all know that if it’s ‘important’ stuff we write it down. Those that have sat through 2 hour lectures at University know that the “I don’t need to write it down because I’ll remember it” attitude is ineffective.

Write it down.

Carry a bunch of notes and stationary around the house makes it look like you are doing something of great significance. To accent this, make sure you have a serious look on your face and mutter hockey statistics and European player’s names to yourself. If someone in your house asks you what you are doing just answer in a tired yet hurried voice: “No time…there is…no time…”.    The list needs to go on the fridge to symbolise that it is of ‘high of importance’. The fridge is the place where the food and beer live and thus it will be a high traffic area. Also, when you are going for a beer and your spouse asks where you are going, just say you are going to check/add to the list.  Finally, if you have done all of this correctly you will never have to make a new list every year. Just change the date and go over your resolutions with a fresh stroke of the highlighter and you are ready to rock for another 52 weeks! http://toonview.tryhappy.net/pictures/raccoons_on_ice/maskedcrusader.jpg

On behalf of myself and Punchy, We would like to extend our warmest holiday wishes to all the players, coaches, managers, time keepers, score keepers, gate keepers, mascots, friends and designated drivers in the BHL.

I’ll be here in the \_. ounge finishing up the movie reviews and preparing some tasty treats for the new year so when you take a break from fishing, camping, surfing, swimming and pissing out the back door when no one is looking, come and have a read.

Keeping with Christmas spirit, I’ll leave you with a little something from my childhood, a fantastic family cartoon (seriously) that involves raccoons playing hockey. Just like Frosty the Snowman, this cartoon has nothing to do with Christmas at all. However, it is fun and features a sheep dog goalie and some weird purple alien wearing a Mike Bossy NY Islanders jersey. So wash your hockey equipment, play with your kids, play fetch with the dog, make your wife a sausage before you make yourself one and make a list, post it on the fridge and we will see you back on the ice soon!


From \_.anger’s \_ounge, please choose one of the sayings that best suits you and yours: Happy Holidays, Season’s Greetings, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 







Raccoons On Ice:






The Best…and Worst Hockey Films

Let’s face it, hockey on the big screen has not been pretty, much like a hockey player’s smile. Hockey films tend to resort to the lowest common denominator which is fighting. As a result, for those that don’t know hockey the game tends to be ALL about fighting which of course is BS. Hockey is artistry on ice, it is fast, it is fluid and it is graceful. The violent aspects of the sport are just one of the elements of the game but to the uneducated that’s all they see. My theory why hockey movies generally suck is because it’s difficult to capture the essence of hockey on film. It’s difficult to capture the emotion, speed and chaos because things happen quickly. Players aren’t standing around for long periods of time with their hands on their hips like some sports. They change on the fly, jumping in an out of the craziness like soldiers going over the top and into battle. There is too much going on in hockey therefore the camera can’t capture everything. Essentially it’s a game where ‘the photos don’t do it justice’ and ‘you had to be there’ to truly experience the majesty of gliding around on ice battling for that little, black, vulcanised rubber ‘rondelle de hockey’.

Although the on ice action in the movies is lame, the focus generally turns to the emotional tribulations of the players. This usually involves lots of drinking, violence, one liners and sex which I have nothing against because those things are radical and awesome. For the hard core hockey fan, the debate on which hockey movie is the best is a limited one because there aren’t that many to choose from.  Many old dudes will cite Paul Newman’s 1977 classic ‘Slap Shot’ as the best of all time. Loaded with violence and THE greatest hockey player interview ever, this film’s protagonist preaches ‘old time’ hockey which, if you pay attention to the serious dialogue, means hockey WITHOUT violence but with finesse. Unfortunately when many think of ‘old time’ hockey they think of the Hanson brothers bleeding from the nose and ears standing on the blue line listening to the national anthem…which is hysterical, yet misinterpreted...yet somehow noble…and hysterical.

Each week I’ll discuss a hockey film, some you may have seen, many you may have not. (Spoiler Alert!) I encourage healthy debate because after all this is just my opinion and in the game of hockey it’s about everyone contributing and not just one guy ‘shooting’ all the time.

So, mix a drink and tape your stick while you check out my picks for the best hockey films on the ice. *Note: None of the Mighty Ducks movies are on this list. Get over it. J *

Youngblood -1986  

http://www.movpins.com/big/MV5BMTY2NDM5ODM2MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzcyMzk3NA/still-of-rob-lowe,-patrick-swayze-and-ed-lauter-in-youngblood-(1986)-large-picture.jpgWarm Up: The setting is in Hamilton Ontario. The protagonist’s name is and American named Dean Youngblood aka: Deaner. (Rob Lowe) Patrick Swayze is the Captain. Keanu Reeves is the French Goalie with a terrible accent and an awesome mask.

Game Time: Deaner is a great hockey player but he is a little sissy. His older brother is jealous because he was a tough guy but had to drop out of hockey because of an injury or some sh*t.  Deaner is living the dream and even though he gets knocked around in training camp, he still makes the team. Deaner then bangs his big breasted landlady Ms. McGee. Deaner is called out for having lady balls by the coach because of his overall pussiness. Deaner then bangs the coach’s daughter, who is also the Zamboni driver. Deaner gets knocked the f*uck out by a goon name Raki resulting in Deaner getting benched. At some point Patrick Swayze cracks his skull on the ice at the hands of the dirty goon Raki. Deaner gets mad but is too much of a wussy to do anything about it.  Deaner cries and goes home. Deaner’s older brother calls him a homo and is super pissed because Deaner is throwing away a great opportunity. Big brother and Dad teach Pussy Deaner to fight paving the way for Deaner’s comeback. Deaner gets mad. Deaner bangs coach’s daughter some more memorably spraying himself in the face with his water bottle after they finish doing the deed.

http://i.ytimg.com/vi/xTypGfvez8Y/maxresdefault.jpgDeaner beats up the goon and scores the winning goal in dramatic fashion. Deaner realises through resilience and perseverance the importance of sticking up for his team mates as well as himself. As a result he proves that he has grown as a person and therefore has become a better hockey player. Deaner then bangs the coach’s daughter but this time has the coach’s approval because he is no longer a pussy and he scored the winning goal. These achievements appeal to both coaches and chicks.

Big Hits:  A few NHL’ers make cameos in the film including Steve ‘Stumpy’ Thomas and the late Peter Zezel. (Look ‘em up!) There is a great bar scene which involves false teeth, a ton of shots and a few puck bunnies. The land lady is also a hot cougar who collects the hockey cards of the boys she bangs which is totally awesome and inspiring to those that want to play hockey and live with land ladies.

Off The Crossbar: Patrick Swayze can’t be in both Dirty Dancing and a movie about hockey! That sh*t messes with my mind!

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UFJj6QUDsIU/TlCnlbO44LI/AAAAAAAAHSM/r9FZ1GFwE9A/s320/Sutton%2BDerek%2Bcard.jpgFirst Star: This movie is pure 7-Eleven pump cheese 80’s gold and you are missing something in your life if you haven’t seen this.

\_.ink to the Rink : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1pzCjXDDuc



Mystery Alaska -1999


Warm Up: A small Alaskan town is ruled by the Saturday hockey game, Officer Russell Crowe’s terrible skating and Jofa helmet. Estranged local, Hank Azaria, returns to his hometown bringing with him the ‘NY Rangers’ to face off against the local team. http://hockeyjournal.com/news/pros/nhl/2011-12/photos/six_5_biebe_250.jpg

Game Time:  I’ll admit I didn’t know much about Alaska other than it was sold to the States by the Soviet Union on March 30 1867 for about 7 million bucks. Rumour has it that Scott Gomez bought this tract of land with some of the NHL salary he earned whilst sitting on the bench for the Montreal Canadiens. Like Gomez’s time in Montreal, Alaska is a cold and hostile environment surrounded by some breath taking scenery. In the winter months there isn’t much to do except play hockey and have sex and it is against this physical and social backdrop that this film takes place.

Enter a grizzled old guy whose marriage is breaking up like lake ice of an April thaw and all he has is hockey. However he is old. His team mates respect him but he is old. The local phenom is ready to hit the ice but a roster spot must be made in order for him to play. Basically in the words of Tenacious D:  “Russell Crowe you’re too old to rock no more rockin’ for you…!”  So the old Crowe is pushed out. The film also includes some adultery, a couple of fist fights, hot potatoes in skates, sex in a truck, Hank Azaria and the ‘NY Rangers’ battling the local hockey team. It’s all pretty predictable but it’s good. (Not like that ‘Miracle’ film with Kurt Russell! Gawd!)   http://thecia.com.au/reviews/m/images/mystery-alaska-1.jpg

 The story is cliché ridden but what makes this movie so good is the setting. The visuals and cinematography in this film are breath taking. Who wouldn’t love to have a town where the sidewalks are ice and people skate everywhere?  Unlike most hockey movies, this movie is about the love of playing hockey. The film makers do a great job capturing the elegance of skating and how the game unites and divides a small community. Thankfully Mayor Burt Reynolds is there to keep the peace and spread some wisdom with his fur coat and moustache.

Big Hits: Mike Meyers steals the show as a Don Cherry-esque broadcaster. There is also a scene were a dude is driving down the road on a Zamboni…on a Zamboni!  The dressing room in this film may be the greatest hockey dressing room in the long history of hockey dressing rooms. Finally, those that know me know that I love vintage hockey equipment and there is LOTS of it in this film.

Mystery, Alaskahttp://lakingsinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Mystery-Alaska_l.jpgOff The Iron: None of the ‘NY Rangers’ are actual ‘NY Rangers’.  Also, why on earth would the ‘NY Rangers’ fly to Alaska to play against a bunch of lumberjacks in an outdoor game that’s NOT sponsored by Bridgestone?  Sadly, there is no cameo of hockey megastar Scott Gomez wearing a winter jacket made out of fur coloured money.

Overall:   It’s a feel good movie that your wife/girlfriend can watch together so you know it’s a keeper. Just be careful you aren’t roped into moving to Alaska…which is like the Canada of the USA.

Watch the Trailor Here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a80x06Wn91U


Les Chiefs -2004


Warm Up: A documentary about hockey players playing for the Chiefs de Laval who refuse to let the dream of playing in the big show die. They also happen to play in the most insane and terrifying hockey league in the solar system.

Game On:  Many kids dream of playing in the NHL but what happens when you are in your late 20’s/early 30’s and STILL think you have a shot at the big show?

This brilliant independent film is a documentary that follows a bunch of guys who play for the Laval Chiefs in a league that promotes and embraces insanity on the ice. It’s a movie about hockey players and how deeply effecting the game can be.

At first glance this movie is hilarious. The opening scene of the ‘Super Fan’ shining his belt in preparation for that night’s game sets the tone. However, after repeated viewings this movie shows the sad and almost tragic side of hockey and hockey players. From injuries, girlfriends, raising children and gratuitous violence, this movie is raw and compelling. The results are emotionally stirring especially as the movie closes with lovable yet simple Tim Leveque (who steals the show) fumbling through his childhood trophies reminiscing about playing as a kid. In my opinion this is one of the greatest sports movies and documentaries ever made hands down. You will want to show everyone. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/iGGILnQFpXY/hqdefault.jpg

Big Hits: Hot French girlfriends, anytime the ‘Super Fan’ is on camera, the injury interviews and Tim Leveque. It’s like this: Tim Leveque is like… the cowbell…you just want more of it.  As part of the DVD extras a couple of the guys in the movie teach you how to hold your own in a hockey fight. J

(I also went to high school with Cory Holland which totally blew me away when I saw the film the first time. I knew he was tough but had no idea he could play hockey…which he can’t.)

Off the Iron: It just doesn’t feel long enough and you want this movie to keep going as you get acquainted with the characters. This whole movie would have been a fantastic reality TV show.

Overall: Although it has its lighter moments, this film is really about how the love of hockey can detach players from reality. The final scene of a child learning to skate is both tragic and moving providing some food for thought as to why we play as … and when to stop.

\_.ink to the Rink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ism-j_wwva4


Keep Your Head Up Kid & The Wrath of Grapes:

The Don Cherry Story -2011


Warmup: The life story of the 7th greatest (most patriotic, conservative and a bit racist) Canadian ever according to a 2004 television survey. (Wayne Gretzky was ranked #10) Don Cherry was born with a scowl on his face and a chip on his shoulder. This film explains the reason why ‘Grapes’ is the way he is: Eddie ‘F*&cking’ Shore.

Game Time: Don Cherry and Coach’s Corner is an institution in Canada. Those that have grown up in Canada know that Don Cherry’s diatribe in the first intermission can’t be missed. His commentary has been water cooler fodder for generations. His no holds barred, un-PC and overtly bias Canadian stance on hockey and society is divisive to say the least. The man comes from another time and in this 2 part TV movie, you get to see why he is the way he is. Spanning his early days as a minor leaguer, to coaching in the NHL, to his rise to power on Hockey Night In Canada as an analyst, Don ‘Grapes’ Cherry is a truly colourful character. ‘Grapes’ is a man’s man with a big heart. He loves his wife, his dog, hockey, beer and his country. With such a colourful character it would be easy to make this movie a comedic train wreck but it is not because what makes this film the best of them all is the acting. Jared Keeso is incredible in the lead role. He really is. He looks, acts and sounds like Cherry.


Love him or loathe him this is a truly incredible hockey drama about one of the game’s most controversial and colourful characters.

Big Hits: Jared Keeso (you may know him from the ‘Letterkenny’ clips) is absolutely stunning in the lead role of Don Cherry. His mannerism are terrifyingly convincing and maybe even better than Grapes himself. The relationship between Eddie Shore and Cherry is hilarious as is the scene where Don has to take ‘English’ lessons because of his hilarious ignorance and inability to pronounce people’s names properly. 


Off the Iron:  If you are: a communist, French, Swedish, a puck hog, celebrate too much after goals, screen the goalie, don’t dump it off the glass and out, wear visor, skate away from a fight, don’t wear the old style hockey gloves, have extra big shoulder pads, don’t use a straight Northland hockey stick or have anything bad to say about Kingston Ontario, Bobby Orr or Canada, then you won’t like Don Cherry…because he automatically doesn’t like you.  Also, It is pretty weird to see modern day skates in the 1950’s. I notice that stuff.

Overall: Les Chiefs was my all-time favourite film until I saw this one. Even if you don’t know who Don Cherry is (or like him) this a great movie about a man who grew up in a man’s world playing a man’s sport. Oh and Jared Keeso is the f%$king  greatest actor since John Dunsworth. (Mr. Lahey from the Trailer Park Boys Series.)


*I’ve searched everywhere but if you can find a link to this, please post it for the boys!

Watch this clip: *Note – Shore keeps calling Don ‘Madagascar’ because if he could send him there to play, he would!

\_.ink to the Rink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o448ReZ_ZI



The 1st installment of \_.anger's \_.ounge is ... \_.anger's Off - Season Fix .... a collection of videos worth watching to help you get your mind right and in the game ... ENJOY !!

"Keep talking hockey and playing good hockey" - \_.anger


\_.anger's Off Season Fix: 2007 World Juniors Semi Final - Canada vs USA in a beauty! (RIP to Canadian defenceman and former Vancouver draft pick Luc Bourdon who was killed the following year in a motorcycle accident.)

\_.anger's Off Season Fix: Sorry Doc and Eddie, you are no Bob and Harry!

\_.anger's Off Season Fix": The Clarkson/Bertuzzi conversation is priceless!

\_.anger's Off Season Fix: What's in the Hockey News

\_.anger's Off Season Fix: Some brilliant BC promoter decided he'd take the 'hockey' out of fighting.

\_.anger's Off Season Fix: Nothing beats playing outside. This documentary takes place in Minnesota which is sort of like the Canada of the US. Not quite though. lol

\_.anger's Off Season Fix: Chris Nilan was one of the toughest and most feared enforcers of the '80's but often the battles off the ice are worse than the ones on it. (Thanks Potvin for letting me in on this!)

\_.anger's Off Season Fix' Game of the Week: Hartford vs Montreal- Game 7, 1992 Adams Division Quarter Finals
Bob, Dick and Harry in the booth calling this beauty from the Montreal Forum...and she goes into OT! Enjoy!


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